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a free weekend introduction to Mandarin class for kids

Join our online Mandarin community from the comfort of your home.

Teachers engage students and encourage speaking so they feel comfortable talking in Mandarin in front of others.

Our Pathway to Mandarin Proficiency

Group 39908

Free weekend introduction to Mandarin class for kids ages 4-6.

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sat and sun Free introduction video

Group 2

6 month join anytime

Group 1

one time $75 fee, class material and reuired headphones will be shipped to students free class , NO montly fee

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Weekday & Weekend Classes

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Weekdays – Monday-Thursday, Starting at 4:30PM Pacific Standard Time

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Weekends – Saturday and/or Sunday, Starting at 8:00AM Pacific Standard Time

Serving students typically in the U.S. and Canada, or anywhere they can login

Our Chinese School Levels & Curriculum

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We use the YCT (Youth Chinese Test) and HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) textbooks & curriculum published by Hanban. Scroll down⇣ to view the curriculum and choose the class best suited for your child.

The YCT and HSK curriculum is a highly used and regarded curriculum used in schools and universities. Students will be required to test out of their current level before being promoted to ensure competency and the quality of students in a class. There is a related certification available,

Group 39930

Introduction to Mandarin Class for ages 4-6 (FREE) – Learn the Basics

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FREE (4hrs/month) – 6 month curriculum, start anytime
*one-time $75 supply and shipping fee includes class materials and required headphones

Group 4755

Weekends – Saturday and/or Sunday, Starting at
8:00AM Pacific Standard Time

Group 4756

Prepay and Save 100%

One-Time Offer

Group 39910

Our goal is for your child to enjoy, learn and continually flourish in the program.
When you commit to an extended duration of learning, we appreciate your dedication we will double that commitment for free!

Prepay 3 Months

Full Immersion Online Class

Prepay 6 Months

Full Immersion Online Class

Prepay 9 Months

Full Immersion Online Class

Prepay 12 Months

Full Immersion Online Class


stay-tuned, as we work on keep the content relevant
text “join” to (888)818-2486 to receive updates

How is the Online Mandarin Full Immersion Program successful?

Group 39913
Improve your child’s Chinese with Everyday Mandarin’s 16-hour online Mandarin class. Our expert-designed program develops conversation fluency and linguistic excellence. Enroll now for a fully immersive experience from home.
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What is a "natural" Mandarin speaker?

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Unlock your child’s Mandarin fluency with Everyday Mandarin’s Full Immersion Program. Our revolutionary approach immerses your child in an online conversational environment for effortless language mastery. With precise tones and native-like skills, your child will become a “natural” Mandarin speaker. Choose our program for authentic fluency.

What's the best, fastest way to learn Chinese and to speak Mandarin?

Group 39913
The most effective and rapid way to master Chinese and speak Mandarin is through our ultimate immersion experience – enroll your child now for 16 hours of intensive, in-class practice, encompassing reading, writing, and speaking Mandarin with a dedicated teacher and like-minded peers. Elevate their fluency and confidence for an unstoppable linguistic journey!
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Can you explain to me how my child will become a "natural" Mandarin speaker?

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Our online Mandarin program fosters fluent Chinese language skills in children through engaging projects, cultural lessons, and discussions in only four hours each week. Alongside the standard curriculum, they’ll learn about China’s history, geography, and current events, all while having fun.

Refer Friends and Family

Contact us to get a referral code to share with a 10% discount off monthly enrollment. Once your referral enrolls, we will discount your monthly tuition 10%.
Refer more and save! 5 referrals = 50% off / 10 referrals = 100% off

*terms and conditions apply

Get Code

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One of our staff will reach out to you to schedule a Zoom meeting where we can answer any questions or concerns you may have, understand more your expectations.
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Frequently Asked

Group 39928

New for 2024! Full Immersion Mandarin

Space is limited to 12 students per class. Enroll and get your child started on the path to learn Mandarin fluently.  Expect them to start speaking Mandarin around the house with 6 months.

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Group 39930

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