Have Fun At Our Mandarin Immersion Summer Camp

2024 Summer Camp Enrolling Now!

Weekly themes keep the summer fun-filled. Students practice Mandarin in a real world setting and enjoy one field trip each week.

Join camp for as little as $194 per week!

Have fun at summer camp playing, exploring & learning.

Daily Schedule

777 Southgate, Daly City 94105

Full-Day Camp from 9am – 3pm

8am-9am Extended AM Care
9am – Drop Off
9:15am – Mandarin instruction.1
10:15am – AM break
10:30am – Mandarin instruction.2
11:30am – Lunch
1:00pm – Themed Summer Camp activities
3pm – Pick Up
3-6pm – Extended PM Care

2024 Summer Schedule

6/17-Performing Arts
7/8-Arts & Crafts
7/15-Practical Math
7/29-Arts & Crafts
8/5-Performing Arts

Each Wednesday students enjoy a field trip. Locations to be determined.

Tuition as low as $194/week.

AM Care – $50/week
PM Care – $85/week

Attend More Than One Week and Save

Huge Discounts

Enroll for more weeks and save.

8 weeks (entire summer) – $194/week

6 weeks – $231/week

4 weeks – $281/week

2 weeks – $344/week

1 week – $419/week


  1. Choose and pay for a multiweek prepaid package.
  2. A code will be emailed to you.
  3. Visit the Class Schedule above on this page.
  4. Register for the weeks of your choice and use the code to redeem your prepaid tuition.

“My kid really enjoyed the summer camp. Teacher was great with children, very patient and knowledgeable. My kid started talking in Mandarin and teaching me Mandarin words. I loved that they gave us many pictures at the end of the camp for us to cherish. Would definitely go back next year.”

Erine Budi

“Our children have been coming to Everyday Mandarin since they have been in kindergarten. They thoroughly enjoy being in the program, learning about their culture and language. Ms. Wu along with staff, continues to passionately teach the students mandarin in a positive way as she loves all her students. We appreciate and value the program very much, hoping it will stay in our community for a long time as a tool to help preserve culture and language for the next generation.”

Carla Ng

What our parents have to say

Summer Camp FAQ

We accept students who in the fall of the upcoming school year will be starting grades 1 through 7.

We do accept younger students dependent on their behavior, listening skills and if they are a sibling of an older student.

Yes, please visit our Daly City location at 777 Southgate during our normal hours of operation. Monday/Wednesday 3:15-5:30pm. The staff can process your enrollment but they do not have information about the camp. Contact us at (415)952-7223 or learn@everydaymandarin.org for questions.

Summer camp is run by our Mandarin Head Teacher, Ms. Wu, of 8+ years with the support of our head and assistant teachers from other schools, collaborating and joining us.

The last day to get a full refund is March 31, 2024.
A 50% refund can be received if cancelling between April 1, 2024 to April 30, 2024.
A 25% refund can be received if cancelling between May 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024.
No refunds after June 1, 2024.

12 students per class. We have 2 classrooms, grades 1-3 and 4-7. Students are also divided up by level. Our teachers use differentiated instruction to keep students of all levels challenged in class and at camp.

Questions, call/text (888)489-9791 or email learn@everydaymandarin.org

Packages are limited to the use by one student only.

1 teacher to every 12 students. On field trips we have lower ratios, usually 1:6.

We will cancel class at least one month before the start date and will issue you a full refund. But typically classes fill up fast! The response has been amazing and our classes have already reached the minimum number of students required.

We do not offer sibling discounts.

Yes, we are open to volunteers helping. We don’t count volunteers as staff and they don’t apply to the teacher to student ratio. Many of our old students come back in the summer to help and practice their Mandarin. All staff must undergo a Livescan background check to work at Everyday Mandarin.

Join Our Online Chinese School

Live, experienced Chinese Teachers engage the class of students in Mandarin discussions and lessons. Enroll and get your child started on the path to Mandarin fluency. 

Expect them to start speaking Mandarin around the house with 6 months.

First Mandarin Chinese School Students Daly City
Jaron Lin

如何学好中文?  (How to learn Mandarin well?)

学习任何第二外国语,基本上都会有一定难度,这是因为语言的学习困难度是相对的,这是取决于你所学的第二外语,它跟你的「母语」距离有多远而定。例如,日本人、韩国人学中文,就会比美国人学中文容易些,就是这道理。再加上许多正式或非正式的排名中,将汉语列为最难学习的语言之一。想想,光是中文里的发音平上去入声调、同音字、破音字,就已经可以让外国人一个头两个大了,如果再加上学写中文字,不论正体字或简体字的一笔一画,在外国人眼中简直就是毫无头绪可言。综合上述原因,就让人觉得中文很难学,进而有学习恐惧或障碍。现在知道问题所在,想要克服学习恐惧或障碍就变得容易些。 首先,要记得学习中文不只是学习一门语言这么简单,如果可以,也愿意了解,该语言所在国家的一些文化常识、风俗民情、历史缘由等,并将这些结合再一起,那学起中文自然就不会那么吃力。接下来,要注意的是,老师所教的是学习方法和技巧,要懂得转换为「技能」。如果学中文太专注于方法和技巧,就会花很多时间和精力专研于此,相对地对学中文的”内容”本身投入时间和精力因此减少,如此反而会影响学习的效果。方法和技巧只能适当利用,自己应该在学习实践中摸索出属于自己的「技能」,那学中文才会真正管用。 另外值得一提的是,学习中文不应太过讲究”速度”。中文学习是需要花长时间经常复习之前已学过的内容,不能只求懂或只求快。如同之前所述,中文的运用是一种「技能」,既然是技能则只有靠熟能生巧,不断地重复才会熟练,唯有熟练了才会形成一种应用自如的「技能」。所以说学中文一定要踏实、长期坚持,不可过于心急。最后,我们都清楚明白,学习过程中都会遇到各种挫折或困难,但不能因此向困难低头或放弃学习,要坚持不懈,持之以恒,才能达到预期的目标。 最后说回到学中文,我们都明白语言是有声的,人类对语言的感受首先是透过声音作用于大脑,如果不练习听力,只是使劲地阅读和背单词,其结果听不懂别人讲中文,那程度肯定难以提升,学习效果大打折扣。所以现今中文教学大多是采用沉浸式教学 ,也就是营造一个尽可能完善的中文学习环境。因此学生的听、说、读、写、皆为中文。不用担心中文难学的问题,在沉浸式的教学环境中,老师会将复杂的中文学习变成了有趣的活动,实质的生活体验,有用的语言交流等,借此提升中文「技能」。当学习变有趣,孩子学习的动力将会大大的提升。这种教学方式同时也展现以学生为中心的教学理念,不再是单向教学而是双向互动。更重要是提升孩子们说中文的「技能」, 这就是Everyday Mandarin 教学的理念与服务的目标。最后欢迎大家来学中文,一同享受学中文的乐趣!

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1-on-1 Mandarin Learning, Chinese School with a Chinese Tutor
Jaron Lin

学习中文的好处! (The benefits of learning Chinese!)

许多移民美国的第二代、第三代,总绕不开一个话题就是到底「要不要让孩子学中文」?为何会有这类疑问的想法呢? 其实很多爸妈会想,全家都搬到海外,平常生活以及大部分的与人沟通,所用的语言自然都是当地语言,为了让自己和孩子真正融入当地的生活,达到无障碍沟通,学好当地语言才是最重要的首要任务。在时间有限下,很难顾及第二语言的学习,所以为何要让孩子花上许多时间在学习中文上,自然也成为家长们的疑问。加上家长一想到自己还要与孩子在学习中文上天人交战、劳心劳力。一想到这很多家长就打了退堂鼓,心想还是别学了吧! 但事实真的是这样吗? 是否因此就要让孩子放弃中文呢? 其实真的不是这样! 因为多学一门语言就等同掌握了一门重要的技能。这对孩子未来的发展有着莫大的好处,特别是学习中文。因为学习中文,就是在帮助孩子打开机会之门。随着中国的高速发展以及全球发展趋势,学中文能带来的不只仅限于就业机会,其它机会与发展将会越来越多,如通海阔天空。所以你会发现一些外国名流的孩子都开始学中文了!那占有先天优势的华裔家庭的你,反而不让孩子学中文吗? 那不是本末倒置吗?! 另外学中文,对于孩子的身心全面发展也是大有帮助。汉字这种文字源自于象形文字,结构上看起来虽说相对复杂,但有它深邃的蕴意在内。学习的过程中了解东方文化的博大精深,书写的过程里,也帮孩子记忆这些字,同时锻炼他们的协调能力和空间想像力!最重要的是,学中文时的思考方式和学西方语系下的思考方式是很大的不同,让孩子从小就接触到中西方不同的思考方式,对于他们思考能力、人格的培养肯定会有很大的好处。由此可知,学习中文的好处相当多也相当广。 最后值得一提的是,不用担心中文难学的问题,因为现今中文教学的方法大多是都是采取所谓沉浸式教学。沉浸式的特点就是营造一个尽可能完善的中文学习环境,因此学生的听、说、读、写、皆为中文。不可否认,中文文法难、汉字难写、发音不容易,但在沉浸式的教学环境中,似乎看不到这种”难”,因为老师会将复杂的中文学习变成了有趣的活动,实质的生活体验,有用的语言交流等。当学习变成了有趣好玩的活动时,孩子们学习态度的积极性将会大大的提升。这种教学方式除了塑造足够的中文环境之外,更展现了以学生为中心的教学理念,不再是单向教学而是双向互动。这同时也是Everyday Mandarin 教学的理念与服务的目标。2024年新班热烈报名中,欢迎加入学习中文的行列。

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Private Chinese Language Teacher
Jaron Lin

学中文的重要性(The importance of learning Mandarin)

语言是人与人沟通之间的桥梁,也是人与世界连结的一把钥匙。世界上少说有五千多种语言,除了目前世界主流语言英语之外,你或许会想,学完英文之后我还能学什么语言? 答案很简单,当然是学中文! 如同之前所提到的,中国在全球经济和文化交流中已经扮演一个举足轻重的角色,未来趋势也是如此。加上庞大的人口数与大量的海外移民,人与人沟通上,自然中文也就扮演更重要的角色。试想, 如果你不了解中国也不会中文,是不是如同不能和世界接轨? 掌握未来呢?  可见学习中文有多么重要 。再加上,中文学习风潮已席卷全球,此番潮流不可挡。如果您或是您的孩子还没有开始接触中文或学习中文,是不是在竞争力上就落后许多? 孩子的竞争力与实力的培养不在局限于出生地,放眼看的是全球的竞争力与实力,这也再次应证学习中文的重要性。 而对于出生于海外的华裔第二代或第三代移民,想要保有天生优势,还能与父辈和祖父母沟通无障碍,彼此更加了解增进家庭融合,想必学习中文了解中国文化也是不可少的。因为,绝大多数的观念沟通都是靠语言和文字。另外,从地缘关系和历史发展的角度来看,中文和其它亚洲语言的关系可说是相当密切,举例来说像是日语、韩语等也都深受中文(华语)影响甚深。现今,在日本或是韩国还是能到处看见汉字的存在,因此掌握中文学好中文,对其它亚洲语言的学习、当地的观光、文化历史的了解,也有着重要的辅助作用。所以学习中文是不是可以一举数得,相当重要呢? 最后说到学中文,值得一提的是,现今中文教学大多是采用沉浸式教学 ,也就是营造一个尽可能完善的中文学习环境。因此学生的听、说、读、写、皆为中文。不用担心中文难学的问题,在沉浸式的教学环境中,老师会将复杂的中文学习变成了有趣的活动,实质的生活体验,有用的语言交流等。当学习变成了有趣好玩的活动时,孩子们学习态度的积极性将会大大的提升。这种教学方式也展现了以学生为中心的教学理念,不再是单向教学而是双向互动。这同时也是Everyday Mandarin 教学的理念与服务的目标。最后欢迎大家快来学中文,一同享受学中文的乐趣!

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