
We excite kids to discover Chinese culture & learn Mandarin.

Our students spend more time practicing, studying and interacting with a LIVE! Chinese Teacher.

The goal of our classes is to develop your child into a fluent, natural Mandarin speaker.

Join our online community of Chinese, Mandarin learners.
Lion Dancers at Mandarin After School Program

Advanced Pathway to Mandarin Proficiency

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We've been exciting students to love learning Mandarin since 2012.

Our students interact and practice speaking with peers and a live teacher.

Our goal is more than just teaching your child Chinese language. We develop language proficiency and confidence so your child speaks Mandarin faster and naturally like a native speaker.

To successfully learn Mandarin, we determined the key is more class time to practice in an immersive Mandarin environment. Facilitating class online is the best way to achieve this goal and have your child speaking Mandarin fluently.

Join our Full Immersion Online Mandarin Class for all levels and ages.

Chinese Language, Mandarin Programs We Offer

Full Immersion Online Mandarin Class for Kids

Chinese School Online, Mandarin Class

Discover Chinese for 8-24 hours a month from the comfort of your home. Learn Mandarin online at an affordable price. Your child will start speaking faster and with confidence.

  • Levels: 1-12
  • Cost: starting at FREE
  • Schedule: Weekdays (Mon-Thurs) ~or~
    Weekends (Sat and/or Sun)
  • Location: Online
Private Chinese Language Teacher

Private Mandarin Instruction

Prefer a personalized, 1-on-1 session focused just on your child? Our experienced Chinese language teachers are available to teach Mandarin to your child in-person or online. Let’s talk about your expectations and we’ll create a custom curriculum to meet your Chinese language learning goals.

  • Levels: Any
  • Cost: $22/55 minutes
  • Schedule: By Appointment
  • Location: Online or In-Person
Mandarin After School Program Near Me

Mandarin After School Program

Looking for a “Chinese School near me”? Our 4-5 day a week in-person Mandarin class is so fun students are singing and dancing. Our goal is to get your child to love learning Chinese.

  • Levels: 1-6
  • Cost: starting at $328/month
  • Schedule: School Days, Monday-Friday. Afterschool till 6pm
  • Location: San Francisco & Daly City, CA
Chinese Summer Camp Near Me

Chinese Summer School

Summertime is fun time! We integrate Mandarin into our daily activities. Daily 2-3 hours in Chinese language class. Enrichment based on weekly themes keeps students engaged. Join us for our weekly field trips around the SF/Bay Area.

  • Levels: Grades K-7
  • Cost: starting at $194/week
  • Schedule: Monday-Friday 9AM-3PM
  • Location: Daly City, CA

Mandarin Summer Camp 2024

Join our fun-filled Mandarin Summer Camp for as low as $194/week.

Each week is a different theme and set of activities taught in Mandarin.

“Our children have been coming to Everyday Mandarin since they have been in kindergarten. They thoroughly enjoy being in the program, learning about their culture and language. Ms. Wu along with staff, continues to passionately teach the students mandarin in a positive way as she loves all her students. We appreciate and value the program very much, hoping it will stay in our community for a long time as a tool to help preserve culture and language for the next generation.”

Carla Ng

“My kid really enjoyed the summer camp. Teacher was great with children, very patient and knowledgeable. My kid started talking in Mandarin and teaching me Mandarin words. I loved that they gave us many pictures at the end of the camp for us to cherish. Would definitely go back next year.”

Erine Budi

What our parents have to say

100% Satisfaction

We hold ourselves, curriculum and teachers to the highest standards. We don’t have contracts or deposits.

If you are not satisfied and we cannot rectify the situation, we will gladly refund you.

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Chinese Learning One Word Everyday~【去】(qù) 每日学一字

Due to geographical proximity and historical development, Chinese (Mandarin) has close connections with other Asian languages, such as Japanese and Korean. These languages have also been significantly influenced by Chinese. Therefore, mastering Chinese not only benefits language learners directly but also serves as a valuable foundation for learning other languages.

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每日学一字Chinese Learning One Word Everyday~【王】(wáng)

由于地缘关系和历史发展,中文和其他亚洲语言关系密切,像是日语、韩语等也都深受中文(华语)影响甚深。因此掌握中文,对其他语言的学习也有着重要的辅助作用,是不是一举数得? 快来学中文吧!! <每日学一字Chinese Learning One Word Everyday~【王】(wáng) 从图形上看,这个角色的原始形态是一把巨大的斧头,顶部有轴,底部有宽刃,象征着力量和权威。 因此,“王”是古代最高统治者的称号,即国王。><出自于汉字五百例> As its original form, graphically, this character is a huge ax with the shaft on the top and a wide blade on the bottom, symbolizing power and authority. Hence, 王 was the title for the highest rulers in ancient time, i.e.

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每日学一字Chinese Learning One Word Everyday~【妾】(qiè)

说到学中文,现今中文教学大多是采用沉浸式教学 ,也就是营造一个尽可能完善的中文学习环境。因此学生的听、说、读、写、皆为中文。老师会将复杂的中文学习变成了有趣的活动,实质的生活体验,有用的语言交流等。这种教学方式不再是单向教学而是双向互动。这同时也是Everyday Mandarin 教学的理念与服务的目标。最后欢迎大家快来学中文,一同享受学中文的乐趣! <每日学一字Chinese Learning One Word Everyday~【妾】(qiè)> 它的原义是“女奴”。 在甲骨文中,它的形状是一个跪着的女人,头上有一把惩罚刀的标志,表明她是一个奴隶。 后来演变为妾的意思。(出自于汉字五百例) Its original meaning was “woman slave.” In oracle bone inscriptions, its form was a kneeling woman with the symbol of a punishment knife over her head, indicating she is a slave. Later, it came to mean a concubine.

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每日学一字Chinese Learning One Word Everyday~【涉】(shè)

现今中文教学大多是采用沉浸式教学 ,在沉浸式的教学环境中,老师会将复杂的中文学习变成了有趣的活动,实质的生活体验,有用的语言交流等。这种教学方式也展现了以学生为中心的教学理念,不再是单向教学而是双向互动。这同时也是Everyday Mandarin 教学的理念与服务的目标。最后欢迎大家快来学中文,一同享受学中文的乐趣! <每日学一字Chinese Learning One Word Everyday~【涉】(shè)> 此字始见于甲骨文,形象上,就是两脚横跨一条蜿蜒小溪。 本义是徙步渡水。 引申为进入里面,接触等。 后来更引申为经历,经过。 再引申为阅览等意。<出处源于汉字五百例> Its original meaning was “to wade across a stream with one foot on each bank. It is an ideograph. Now, “to climb mountains and ford rivers” is still used. 造句Sentence-making 我们只好涉水过河到对岸。We had to wade through the

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每日学一字Chinese Learning One Word Everyday~【南】(nán)

中文学习风潮已席卷全球,此番潮流不可挡。如果您或是您的孩子还没有开始接触中文或学习中文,是不是在竞争力上就落后许多? 孩子的竞争力与实力的培养不在局限于出生地,放眼看的是全球的竞争力与实力,这也再次应证学习中文的重要性。可见学习中文有多么重要 。快来学中文吧!! <每日学一字Chinese Learning One Word Everyday~【南】(nán)> 原是一种古代乐器和一种舞蹈的名称。 南字本义不详,在殷墟卜辞中巳借用为方位词,即早晨面对太阳,右手的一边与北相对的方位。 引申指南方的地区或国家,也指古代南方少数民族的音乐。。(原自于汉字五百例) Originally, it was the name of an ancient musical instrument and a dance. Graphically, it is a ring-shaped musical instrument with a tie in the upper part to hang. Later, it was loaned to indicate “south.” 造句Sentence-making 希腊位于欧洲南部。Greece is

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每日学一字Chinese Learning One Word Everyday~【朋】(péng)

说到学中文,现今中文教学大多是采用沉浸式教学 ,也就是营造一个尽可能完善的中文学习环境。因此学生的听、说、读、写、皆为中文。老师会将复杂的中文学习变成了有趣的活动,实质的生活体验,有用的语言交流等。这种教学方式不再是单向教学而是双向互动。这同时也是Everyday Mandarin 教学的理念与服务的目标。最后欢迎大家快来学中文,一同享受学中文的乐趣! <每日学一字Chinese Learning One Word Everyday~【朋】(péng) 原意是货币单位的名称,从图形上看,它是两串贝壳,两串为一朋,后来引申扩展为朋友,小集团(朋党)等。 (原自于汉字五百例) Its original meaning was the name for a unit of currency. Graphically, it is two clusters of cowries. Five cowries form on cluster and two clusters form one 朋. Later, it extended to mean 朋友, friends, 朋黨,clique, etc. 造句Sentence-making

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